my name

Designs by

Ron Brown

Graphic Designer/Art Director

Websites - Corporate Identity - Illustrations

"From Business Cards to Billboards"

  • Graphic Designer/Art Director with 30+ Years Experience

    My career in graphic arts began when "cut and paste" was done with an xacto knife and wax; and a Compugrahic computer was used for typesetting. My desire to stay current and keep my ideas fresh has enabled me to remain on the cutting edge of design when so many of my contemporaries refused to change with the time.

    I have extensive knownledge and experience with the Adobe CC Suite including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, FireWorks and Flash. My positions as Art Director and Advertising Manager have added to my customer and vendor relations skills

    "Exposure Changes Your World"

    Working closely with small and medium sized businesses I translated abstract ideas into printed and web advertising campaigns that helped increase their market share.

  • Download and View High Resolution Resume
    click browser's back button to return to site after download

    View Resume

  • Skills and Levels of Proficiency

    Art & Graphics Skill

    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
    • Indesign
    • Adobe Fireworks

    Programming Skills

    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • javaScript
    • jquery
    • Adobe Flash AS3

    Visual studio Skills

    • Adobe After Effect
    • Maya
    • 3ds Max
    • Adobe premiere
  • Contact info 377 Highway 279
    Fayetteville, GA 30214

    Phone: 770-899-3704

    Keep in touch

Name Ron Brown
BirthdayMay 30, 1954
Phone 770-899-3704
